Meet the World’s Most Brutal Killer.” Playing with Dolls: Havoc is the third film in this horrifying series. A slasher film, Playing with Dolls: Havoc...
Man Underground “We Are Watching You.” Indican Pictures is set to release Michael Borowiec and Sam Marine’s Man Underground. The film is a genre bender...
Simple Creature is a modern re-telling of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In this version, new implant technology alters Em’s (Carollani Sandberg) reality, after a brutal accident....
Joshua K. Carpenter, Head of Global Acquisition & Sales of Green Apple Entertainment today announced the USA DVD pre-order launch of the UK action-packed, supernatural...
Horror meets comedy in award winning Gregory Blair’s new film Garden Party Massacre, finishing post production via Pix/See Productions and just today releasing the first...