In anticipation of HELL HOUSE LLC’s Tuesday, November 1st release date, Terror Films has released two new clips from the film, titled: “Searching the Basement”...
Terror Films’ House Of Purgatory, by first time writer/director Tyler Christensen, opens on the 21st! The film revolves around four mid-western teenagers. They go looking...
Proving that the American South does not hold a monopoly on sexually depraved, bloodthirsty hillbillies, Killbilllies (aka: Idyll,Idila) depicts a harrowing tale of abduction, violence and hoped-for survival,...
Terror Films has provided two new clips (“Dangerous Art” & “Bedtime Lurking”) for the psychological thriller, The Dark Stranger. The film was released in the...
Media company Joblo and production house Riding Hood Motion Pictures have joined forces to release the long awaited thriller, Wolf Mother, prior to its early...
Horror Thriller OBSERVANCE Now Out on VOD: iTunes, Amazon Video, VUDU, Dish & More The chilling psychological horror thriller OBSERVANCE, released on DVD and Blu-ray...
In 2014, genre distributor Terror Films came across a film titled Viscera, at the Screamfest Horror Film Festival, in Los Angeles. The film was initially...
As the THE HOUSE ON PINE STREET quickly approaches its September 30th release date, TERROR FILMS shares yet another clip from the award winning haunted...
TERROR FILMS has released another sneak peek clip for its erotic thriller GODDESS OF LOVE, titled “Horsehead.” The film will be available on October 7th...