Hellboy Gets the Boot..err…Reboot.

Hellboy Gets the Boot..err…Reboot.

By Ash 2 Min Read
Hellboy Gets the Boot..err…Reboot.


It’s bittersweet news coming out of the Hellboy camp today as we learned that while fans will indeed be getting another installment in the franchise, it won’t be under Del Toro’s direction and it won’t star Ron Perlman. Although Del Toro’s attempts to bring the third film to theaters has repeatedly hit a brick wall, it still comes as a shock to hear that the series will  continue with creator Mike Mignolia’s blessing under an entirely different creative team. Shocking more still to learn that this is far enough along to nab both a harbour-stranger-things-hellboy-rebootdirector and the new Hellboy himself. The choices, however? Well, it does appear that they are off to a decent start, bringin in Dog Soldiers and The Descent director Neil Marshall and Stranger Thing’s David Harbour as the titular Big Red. Mignolia tweeted the news himself earlier today.

Definitely a good start to renew enthusiasm,  but what are we to make of the “reboot” label already liberally being thrown around th chatter? Do we need yet another retread of an origins story to remind fans of a film series whose last installment was just over 8 years ago. Is it even possible then to continue the series into a much anticipated 3rd film with a different lead and director at the helm? It wouldn’t be the first film series to pass the mantle and carry on a linear storyline with different cast and creative front-runners. What say the fans?

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By Ash
Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of Horror-Fix.com, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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