Horror stalwarts Adrienne Barbeau (The Fog, Creepshow) Tobin Bell (Saw series, Dark House) and Bill Oberst Jr. (Abraham Lincoln Vs. Zombies, “Take This Lollipop”) are...
“Marionettes”, the new single & music video, and Funk Volume‘s DFUOB6 contest entry Watch the shortened, contest entry version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FmGnq0ec-k Watch the full length director’s cut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8Wj0pIkDgA...
Joe Ciminera’s movie formerly called, “The Library” has now been changed to “6 minutes of death” and will be release nationally on Redbox April 1st....
On Saturday Feb. 15th, the LiveSciFi extreme ghost hunters will be streaming live their investigation of the haunted “Welles House” of Wilkes Barre, PA. While...