TERROR FILMS has released another sneak peek clip for its erotic thriller GODDESS OF LOVE, titled “Horsehead.” The film will be available on October 7th...
Directed by the incredibly talented deadly duo of Milko Davis and Thomas Martwick. The film is written by Milko Davis with Michele Pacitto and starring...
The 1st trailer for the upcoming feature film ‘Amethyst’ was released this morning. It is the latest from psycho-sensationalist Jared Masters of Frolic Pictures. It...
**Fresh off of his award-winning horror flick ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE, director Todd Nunes jumps into pre-production for his next scare feature DEATHWARD 13** The...
Shooting began this weekend on Ash Mountain Films debut horror feature “Dogged”, adapted from their critically acclaimed short of the same name. Directed by Richard...