Plot Outline: missing over the years without a trace. Our hikers, Rob (Dempster) his girlfriend Katie (Sonneborn) and best friends Jaclyn (Lorraine) ,Pete and Brittany...
On October 31, 2016, just in time for the Halloween celebrations, North American genre giants CryptTV, founded by director and producer Eli Roth, launches the...
Dark, disturbing and unpredictable, this indie thriller revolves around a seemingly normal yet homicidal young man who ventures out one night in search for prey....
Remi Weeks Directs Terrifying Fright Bites Short “Tickle Monster”. A quiet night in takes an eerie turn for Grime McElliot, when his girlfriend casually reveals...
Speakeasy Pictures and IMPULSE-FX have released the first trailer for the period action thriller Bloodrunners. The latest feature from writer-director Dan Lantz (Blind Love, Felix...
In anticipation of HELL HOUSE LLC’s Tuesday, November 1st release date, Terror Films has released two new clips from the film, titled: “Searching the Basement”...
Psychological Thriller Stars Elm Street’s Amanda Wyss as a Lonely Woman Pushed Beyond the Breaking Point “An emotionally charged nightmare.” –Ain’t It Cool News “A...
Verboden Video has just premiered the 1991 shot-on-video horror movie, HOLY MOLY, on DVD in a shockingly thorough release. The disc contains the original 41-minute...
Terror Films’ House Of Purgatory, by first time writer/director Tyler Christensen, opens on the 21st! The film revolves around four mid-western teenagers. They go looking...