On July 1st, Brain Damage Films will release the indie horror-thriller City of Lust (previously titled “Yellow”), an imaginative and intense film styled in homage to...
Director Joe Sherlock‘s creepy indie horror flick, DRIFTER, is newly available as a limited edition unrated director’s cut DVD, following a successful World Premiere as the “Friday...
Director Michael Bartlett is proud to release the teaser trailer for the suspense thriller Treehouse. This exciting tale, set in the backwoods of Missouri, has opened for international sales this week at the most...
These days special effects can be so real they are hard to distinguish from the reality. For some people its difficult to separate fact from fiction.This is...
Niagara Falls, NY – White Lion Studios (formerly Little Sicily Productions) have officially announced that pre-production has begun on their new horror film, “Camp of the Damned,”...