Its hard to be competitive in the arena of studio produced horror attractions with Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights taking center stage year after year. Warner...
Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival Announces 2018 Program “Our city’s finest underground cinema showcase.” – Dan Scully, Cinedelphia “Bizarre, gore-soaked, and thoughtful… one of the most...
Popcorn Frights Film Festival is proud to announce its second wave of programming for the annual celebration of all things genre. The complete lineup features...
AT FAN-FAVORITE NIGHTMARES, FRENZY FOR FILM FESTIVAL PASSES BEGINS Coveted VIP Credentials at NFF Are “Ultimate Insider Experience,” Sell Out Each Year Officially, Nightmares Film...
TOHorror Film Fest 18th Edition will be held in Turin (Italy) on October 2018 (10-14). The long-lived indipendent Italian genre festival, born from the hands...