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The OFFICIAL TEASER for the film BONEHILL ROAD is now online!!!

BONEHILL ROAD is a truly original Horror story, with suspense, scares and splatter all rolled into an incredible package.  A werewolf film in the same style as the original HOWLING, An American Werewolf In London and Dog Soldiers.  A werewolf movie made by people who truly love and understand the genre.  “Werewolves are my favorite monsters of all time.”  Director Todd Sheets said.  “And BONEHILL ROAD is truly my dream project, something I have wanted to do for years.  And now I get my chance.”  Not only will BONEHILL ROAD feature ALL practical special effects and NO CGI, it will also feature one of the great Horror icons of our time, Scream Queen LINNEA QUIGLEY!!!!!!!!!  Uncompromising, Original and Vicious…. modern Horror meets Classic Monster movies for a thrill ride like no other this Halloween season!

After surviving quadruple bypass surgery after a heart attack in 2012, Kansas City based director Todd Sheets has made a huge comeback, crafting 3 full length Feature Films and creating several short films for Anthologies released worldwide by Los Angeles based company Nightfall Pictures.  All distributed Worldwide via Theatrical, DVD, BluRay and On Demand.

Last year, Todd and his local Kansas City crew, Extreme Entertainment, completed the movie Dreaming Purple Neon.  It was also screened at the SCREENLAND THEATER where it had the SOLD OUT World Premiere before heading to Hollywood for a second Premiere.  The film has since been included as Official Selection in over 57 Film Festivals around the world, winning several awards including the BEST OF FESTIVAL Award at Canada’s Shock Stock Film Festival.  The film is set for DVD, BluRay, On Demand and Streaming release on OCT 17th, 2017.  The film is set to be released to all major retailers such as Best Buy, Wal Mart, Target, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Redbox and negotiations are in place for rental chain Family Video.  In addition, Dreaming Purple Neon received rave critical reviews appearing on over 13 “BEST OF 2016” lists on various Horror websites and Magazines.

Horror fans can STILL HELP with Bonehill Road!  The exciting return of the CLASSIC MONSTER MOVIE!!!! 


BONEHILL ROAD launched an INCREDIBLY SUCCESSFUL IndieGoGo campaign that is full of incredible perks, many of them include Pre-Orders of the film on DVD, BluRay and even VHS.  There are Soundtrack perks, Signed Scripts, Posters and even Perks that offer props from the film!!!  You can be in the Special Thanks, or be an Associate Producer of the film.  And there are rewards for every level of contribution. Todd Sheets and Extreme Entertainment had never done a Crowdfunding Campaign before, and it was an unforeseen success. 

People were able to contribute to a film made for the RIGHT REASONS, with love, passion and dedication.  A film made by people who truly LOVE monster movies.  No ulterior motives, no money hungry BS.  Just a fun, scary, old school Werewolf movie.  The INDIEGOGO is here:  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/bonehill-road-old-school-werewolf-film-horror – It is now in the ON DEMAND phase and still accepting contributions.  In this day and age of paint-by-numbers PG-13 horror, contrived big budget ghost movies done by committee and lame torture horror that has been done over and over… why not give the money you would spend on that nonsense to a true HORROR MOVIE…. instead of wasting it on that lame BluRay, give that 20 bucks to people who really care and will appreciate your help.  Every drop will go into ACTUAL production of the film.  “This is my chance to make something that not only will make horror fans proud, will also stand out as a quality monster movie.”  Todd said.  “An exciting, non-stop ride through a living, breathing nightmare that fans of werewolf movies have been waiting for!!!”

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