Gas Money Pictures presents The Campus, starring Rachel Amanda Bryant. This film involves greed, a curse, redemption and reliving death over and over again. The...
This November, Terror Films suggests you take the scenic route with their new, thriller DEATH ON SCENIC DRIVE. This horrifying film will be available on...
MORTAL REMAINS is a “shockumentary” which examines the life of Karl Atticus, a notorious filmmaker from the Vietnam era whose works have been mysteriously purged from cinematic history…with good reason,...
Terror Films is set to release THE DOCUMENTARY onto digital platforms this Tuesday, August 22. The film was written and directed by Walter Moise (producer/editor...
Peter Herro’s Love Letter to Classic Slashers Available Nationwide on Cable VOD and Digital HD Midnight Releasing drops a bloodsoaked F-bomb August 1st on Cable...
HANK BOYD IS DEAD will be making its worldwide debut on Tuesday, June 27! Genre distributor Terror Films has released the official poster, trailer and...
Breaking Glass Pictures has acquired North American rights to the Hungarian occultist horror feature THE BASEMENT. Breaking Glass acquired North American rights to the film...