As 2025 unfolds, horror enthusiasts have a thrilling lineup of films to anticipate. Here are five standout horror movies scheduled for release this year that...
From the creators of THE CONJURING franchise, Chad and Carey Hayes, and Faster Horse Pictures’ Cindy Bond and Doug McKay in tandem with Michael Whalen,...
James Quinn Wraps Latest Project Daughter of Dismay Releases New Images from Shoot First Short Film Shot on 70mm IMAX Sodom & Chimera Productions has...
Its hard to be competitive in the arena of studio produced horror attractions with Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights taking center stage year after year. Warner...
She’s back… One of the icons of modern horror returns in the announcement trailer for Annabelle 2! SYNOPSIS From New Line Cinema comes “Annabelle 2,” with David F....
To celebrate the release of the Warren’s latest foray into the unknown, The Conjuring 2, Horrorfix and Graymalkin Media are giving away “the Demonologist: The...