In the vein of such terrifying films as Phantasm (1979), The Evil Dead (1981) & The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), comes psychotic motion picture of unrelenting terror!...
“Il Guanto Nero”, the new video from Voyag3r (pronounced Voyager 3) -the horror/sci-fi/action soundtrack synth rock band from Detroit – can be seen below. The...
Award winning short horror film DARK ORIGINS has been released online after a fright-filled tour of the international film festival circuit. Written and directed by...
TOP GUN heroine and 80s action staple Kelly McGillis continues her acting resurgence in Friday’s episode of Z Nation on Syfy. Her roles in films like TOP...
September 20, 2014 (Los Angeles, CA) IFC MIDNIGHT‘S new film CAM2CAM invades Eli Roth‘s The Crypt App ( Starting September 21, 2014 The Crypt will...