Director Lauro Chartrand and writer Nastasha Baron’s Blackburn has already released within the United Kingdom, this past September. The film also saw Canadian markets in...
“Perfectly captures the vibe of early John Carpenter and George Romero” –Fangoria “Intense from the first shot to its harrowing curtain call” –Bloody Disgusting Los...
We are culture. We are exploration. We are The New York Science Fiction Film Festival. The city’s newest platform for independent science fiction cinema arrives...
Emiliano Rocha Minter’s Nightmare Fantasy We Are the Flesh Begins US Theatrical Rollout in January 2017 Premieres in Los Angeles at Ahrya Fine Arts January...
Romania’s first found footage horror movie Be My Cat: A Film for Anne (English-language) is going to be released worldwide on Vimeo On Demand on December 5th, 2016. It is...
On October 31, 2016, just in time for the Halloween celebrations, North American genre giants CryptTV, founded by director and producer Eli Roth, launches the...
Horror and music go hand-in-hand, with some of the best horror flicks as instantly recognizable by their theme music as their villains. And just like...