Movie NewsMoviesNewsOn DemandVideo/TVZombedy “ZBurbs” Brings Several Strange Neighbors to VOD November 21st!Ash11/16/2017 by Ash11/16/2017035 ZBurbs “Zombies Have to Live Somewhere!” Indican Pictures will release the zombie comedy ZBurbs this November. What happens when a woman’s husband is turned into...
DVD/BlurayMovie NewsMoviesNewsOn DemandVideo/TVBallet of Blood now available On Demand, DVD and VHSAsh03/02/2016 by Ash03/02/2016052 Ballet of Blood is now available to rent or own. You can also find the DVD on Amazon and if you’re lucky you’ll be able...
Movie NewsMoviesNewsZ-Rex: Jurassic ApocalypseAsh02/19/2016 by Ash02/19/2016044 Just when you thought it was safe to go traipsing around with your brains a dangling out alsong comes Z-Rex: Jurassic Apocalypse. Oh yes, we’re...