BOOK REVIEW – “Emma’s Army” book 4 of the series “Zombies Vs Robots” by Joe and Marisha Cautilli

By TheBoldMom 2 Min Read

This book is a different one. A very special sci-fi/cyberpunk story. This is the fourth of the series “Zombies Vs. Robots”, so the thread is already complex and with lots of information for the reader.

A great effort on robotics research (or knowledge) is obvious and it turns the plot into a web of controversial characters, emotions, technical concepts and delicate situations.
Survival, danger and panic move our characters, making the tension latent all along the book.

The Cautillis know how to make you smile very often, though. Humorous scenes are alternated with bloody, sharp ones, sewed with a fast, spine-chilling tone which will get you stuck to the book.

Another thing I loved from this book is that… it’s sad. It’s very realistic. Protagonists are far from being perfect superheroes, loved ones disappear, death awaits in every corner. You never know. And that, makes you feel closer to the story. You… “feel” a lot while reading.

I never reveal the plot in my reviews, because I absolutely don’t want to ruin it. Even more being the fourth book in a series.
Action, fights, robotics, cyberpunk, blood, horror and very dark minds show up in this book. I enjoyed it so much, and I’m certain, so will you.


Find it on Amazon  here

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