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Review – Doorways: The Underworld (2014)

Review – Doorways: The Underworld (2014)

DoorwaysThis game begins with a really interesting backstory, written by Brian Amadori, where a psychologist describes his method of entering the mind of his unstable and insane patients. This main character is notable for his voice actor, Sam A. Mowry. As I began, I first noticed the graphics of both the surroundings and the animated characters. The graphics of the surroundings are well textured but relatively flat. However, the use of shadowing gives the game a very eerie and ominous feel. Whereas the character animation was not only terrifying but also very alive.

Upon entering the first level of the game I noticed the pace of the game was very slow; pacing down long hallways, navigating an uneventful area, and examining the overall environment. Then, once the first piece of puzzle gameplay is introduced, the game gets more of a complex element. About ten minutes into the gameplay, after finding some notes hinting the origin of this monster, the “Wheeler” is introduced. This is the first real obstacle of the game, and kicks the mood of the game into a frantic mode. Pure instinct kicks in as this horrific concoction from the mind of Damian Teixeira chases you hectically until you find relief falling down a hole in the map.

The game begins to get repetitive after a while as that same level plot is incorporated in the next few levels with a new setting and a new monster. Ultimately, the thrill and story of this game drive it forward, and tenuously mask what faults it may have. In the genre of puzzle/horror this game really fulfills any criteria that would be put into that category. In conclusion, this game is well worth the $10.00 that it’s up for, and it is good for plenty of thrilling fun. Incorporating all the internal and external factors, I would give this game a 70/100.

Review contributed by guest author Robben Graves.


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