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New Years’ Horror – January 2016 Horror Movie Schedule

New Years’ Horror – January 2016 Horror Movie Schedule

A new year means new horror movies and following a pretty spectacular year (TV or not, I’m counting Ash vs. Evil Dead as a HUGE win) we have some new cinematic offerings coming down the pipe this cold and chilly January. Check out some of the highlights to keep you warm…with ummm terror?

First up, The Boy (January 22nd, 2016)
Starring one of our favorite lil Walker Slayers Lauren Cohen (The Walking Dead’s Maggie), The Boy takes it’s cues from the real-life, paranormal, weird-as-shit story of Robert The Doll. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, take a minute and head on over to the Coast to Coast web site and give it a looksee. Considering that there is a wealth of creepy-as-hell inspiration concerning a doll that is reported to move and actually change expressions when photographed, this one should be a no-brainer.

The Forest (January 8th, 2016)
So we have another January release steeped in legend and lore…this time we travel all the way to the Orient to bask in the gloom and doom of Japan’s Suicide Forest. Undoubtedly the very air of this place is laden with misery and if you’ve seen any pictures its hard not to imagine a horror film derived from the serpentine madness it invokes. Game of Thrones hottie Natalie Dormer heads up the cast.

Martyrs [Remake] (January 22nd, 2016 – limited)
In a sea of needless remakes we have our latest entry. As a fan of the disturbingly graphic and surreal 2008 French original, this seems like nothing short of one of the worst ideas ever. That being said, audiences will get treated to this lil disaster in limited release towards the end of January with a VOD debut in early February.

Howl (US Release – January 12th, 2016)
howl-7With a premise that reads a little like Hitchcock’s Lifeboat…err…on a train, Howl was surprisingly one of my favorite UK gems that I was lucky enough to see in 2015. The less you know about its reveals the better. It makes its way to the US via DVD on the 12th.

Jurazalem (VOD – January 22nd, 2016)
G’damn, g’dam! I can not wait to see this movie! The idea of a POV film taking place during a biblical apocalypse is pretty damn interesting and I was hooked long before I saw the trailer. Probably one of my most anticipated movies of 2016 this one comes to us early via VOD!!!

These are just some of the tasty terrifying treats awaiting us in the new year. If we’ve missed something of particular interest give us a shout!

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1 comment

Dinglebobman 01/02/2016 at 2:43 pm

You forgot about the fly 2016 remake coming out this year and it will be by the same the director as the 1986 version


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