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Jared Masters’ new 1960’s feature ‘Big Hair, Long Lashes’ premieres on Amazon

Jared Masters’ new 1960’s feature ‘Big Hair, Long Lashes’ premieres on Amazon

The lost sexploitation masterpiece, Big Hair, Long Lashes, was recently found in a film lab in East Iowa. It was painstakingly restored and released over the weekend on Amazon.com! A mondo erotic explosion of neo-grindhouse sensationalism and poetic lore.

From the tortured mind of horror director Jared Masters (pioneer of Post-Camp), who brought us the modern cult classic, 8 Reels of Sewage, now delivers the newest, grooviest, throwback film yet, with more black lace, chiffons, nightgowns and bed jackets than ever before! With twice the phones of Tarzan! These women. These girls. Expect the unexpected, in this true story of a girl group gone wrong, turning a classy Hollywood hotel into a classless brothel.

Lynette, the luscious high class tramp most men would long to have a romp and a roll with. Sandra, a girl who didn’t think about becoming a call girl long enough before becoming one. Nancy, a nuance of sights unsound, she won’t even run you a yard for a run at the mill with her. Tammy, if you can tolerate her then you must be hard-bodied, a non-boy, because her taste is tasteless, and her grade is graded ‘A’ for ample physical intelligence. Connie, she thought she knew love, thought the job wouldn’t unlodge her sensitive psyche. Bobi, a show woman, desperate for change but used to the unchanging cheap tricks each night unfolds for her. Barbara, a good girl going wrong. Traded her virginity for false promises and money, so that she could buy meaningless things. Ronnie, a wanton, thrill-seeker, who simply aches to caress their lovely bodies… and Bertie, just another filthy ape, who pays to play … and stays to rape, proving “ALL MEN ARE BAD! SOME GIRLS ARE TRASHY.” in this bold and daring, once in a lifetime motion picture.

Lynette tries to leave Hollywood, fed up with the life of a call girl, but decides to stick around for one last john she meets at Union Station. She decides to blackmail him into giving her his company hotel room on Sunset Boulevard. The new hotel living gives Lynette a place to drink and ponder her lesbian curiosities, especially when her girlfriend Bobi’s kid sister Barbara comes to town. Lynette turns her over to Dagmar Starr, a she-pimp, sex-ring leader, who single-handedly turns innocent white-cotton-panty Barbara into a swinging first class, black lace prostitute. Lynette ultimately learns there’s only one person that really ever loved her, Bradley, the straight laced all-American boy wonder, who always stood by her. Lynette confesses all of this, and her strange fantasies, to her sex therapist.

If you are of legal age and can stand stunning scenes of defiled youths, who are provocative and shameless, you must see this film. But if you are under the age of 16, or sensitive to the shocking realism of the human body, we do not recommend BIG HAIR, LONG LASHES, a Frolic Picture.

Stars Danika Galido (Slink), Julie Barzman and Lauren Taler (Deadly Punkettes). Written and directed by Jared Masters (Ballet of Blood). Watch free with an Amazon Prime membership.


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