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\’Horror With Heart\’ featured artist- Lika of Darkgoverness Designs

\’Horror With Heart\’ featured artist-  Lika of Darkgoverness Designs

Well, her name isn’t really Lika, BUT for the sake of social media privacy that’s the name we are using. Lika and I connected on Facebook a little over a year ago at a pretty critical time in my life. It was the summer after Sean died and I was forcing myself to plan the Zombiefest knowing full well I wasn’t ready to deal with the public just yet. Lika was the first in a line of MANY to show me that the horror community has more heart than most!

lika-horror-with-heartAt the time Lika was running a support group on Facebook that served as peer support for small business owners with mental illnesses AND a free advertising exchange! “I know how hard it is sometimes just to get out of bed, so no matter how small you may think something is, feel free to share it! I’m sure you’ve done miraculously!” is the message she shared in her group description and it was through her encouragement that I found the strength to open up about my own mental health issues and finally move forward with my dreams and ambitions.

Right now Lika’s featured piece in the dark arts is her “Never Give Up” self-harm awareness bracelet. “I created this bracelet because I know many who suffer or have suffered from all kinds of self-harm, including myself.” and she says that “I’ve gotten messages from people for me to restock it when it sells out because having one is something that makes them feel like they have courage, and that they won’t give up. I’m honored to know that I have touched many with this bracelet who might otherwise feel like they have no voice.”

One thing is for sure that Lika’s message is exactly the message we here at Horror With Heart hope to spread and that is “be proud, express your anxieties, fears and thoughts; hide nothing. It doesn’t make you weak or a failure…” In fact, I think I have to say it probably makes you more human.

Please show some love, spread the love, share the love and check out Lika’s online store where you can order your “Never Give Up” Self-harm awareness bracelet for you or a loved one, or any of her hand made or commercial designed jewelry! And thank you Lika for using your “Darkness” to bring light to others!

Much Love!!

Miss Kellie


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