Seth Gilliam, who plays Gabriel Stokes on AMC’s The Walking Dead, talks about killing his first walker on set and Andrew Lincoln‘s superhuman commitment to...
“Il Guanto Nero”, the new video from Voyag3r (pronounced Voyager 3) -the horror/sci-fi/action soundtrack synth rock band from Detroit – can be seen below. The...
Award winning short horror film DARK ORIGINS has been released online after a fright-filled tour of the international film festival circuit. Written and directed by...
Turkey-stuffed viewers will have something to look forward to this Friday. The 12th episode of Syfy’s hit zombie show, titled “Murphy’s Law,” features zombies running amok...
TOP GUN heroine and 80s action staple Kelly McGillis continues her acting resurgence in Friday’s episode of Z Nation on Syfy. Her roles in films like TOP...