Cthulhu Crush Productions has optioned the top-selling young adult sci-fi book series “The Dark Numbers” from Flemish author Luc Descamps, for television development in the...
The untold story of Hammer at Warner Bros and the relationship that produced some of the British company’s finest films! The classic Hammer films from...
Caesar & Otto are back with their latest cinematic misadventure. In anticipation of the Halloween DVD release, the hapless half-brothers have debuted a new clip...
Director Jessica Cameron‘s Mania continues its strong festival run with a west coast premiere on October 31st at the RIP Film Festival in Hollywood. Mania...
Zombeavers, Zombie Croc…hell if’s gots legs (and even this is negotiable) it’s fodder for the still undead-and-well zombie trend. Today, our Amphibious friends get the...
The follow up to the successful Horror 101 from Crystal Lake publishing finally hits shelves. Here’s what the publisher has to say about this eagerly...
‘ This one is pretty easy kiddies. We have partnered with Tee Fury to bring you Halloween-inspired t-shirt giveaways all October long. Simply follow the...
Wild Eye Releasing has set loose the latest entry in the horror anthology genre, The Horror Network. Created by Brian Dorton and Douglas Conner, this...