Horror Master’s Final Tale Resurrected as Motion Picture For the first time, Edgar Allan Poe’s final, unfinished short story known as “The Light-House” is being...
Gremlins? Ghoulies? Critters? Munchies? The 8os saw a subgenre of horror that had us fascinated with small, mischevious creatures wreaking havoc on US suburbia. Gotta...
I was initially excited about Jeruzalem, a Cloverfield-esque found footage take on the biblical end of the world. The trailers were indeed promising and the...
It’s long been rumored that Friedkin‘s contempt for Lalo Schifrin‘s original score for “The Exorcist” was so vehement that the celebrated director actually tossed it...
Inspired to the popular “slasher” horror movies from the 80’s, “Last Friday” is a hidden movement, hunt and deduction board game designed by Escape Studios,...
RECAP: The 16th Annual Edwardian Ball in San Francisco A bit of history: “Puzzling to explain—nigh impossible to describe, but absolutely delightful to experience—The Edwardian...