Movie NewsMoviesNewsHalloween: The Face of Michael MyersAsh07/13/2018 by Ash07/13/2018049 What is the nature of evil resting at the center of Michael Myers? Hawthorne House Films and filmmaker Stephen Wolfe bring a fresh take on...
DVD/BlurayNewsVideo/TVGet Friday the 13th Fan Film ‘Never Hike Alone’ on Bluray/DVD on Indiegogo March 15th!!!Ash03/06/201803/06/2018 by Ash03/06/201803/06/2018043 Jason Voorhees fans better mark their calendars for March 15, 2018 because Never Hike Alone: A Friday the 13th Fan Film is coming to Indiegogo...
Game NewsGamesMovie NewsMoviesNewsStill Reeling over Friday the 13th News? Let this Nintendo Fan Film Chase Your Blues Away!Ash02/09/2017 by Ash02/09/2017032 So it looks as though our chances of a brand spankin new Friday the 13th are slim to none now with the announcement that plans...
ExclusivesInterviewMovie NewsMoviesNewsOn The WebVideo/TVExclusive HorrorFix Interview with ‘Never Hike Alone’ Director Vincente DisantiAsh01/29/201701/29/2017 by Ash01/29/201701/29/2017042 It’s no secret how I have an almost unfathomable love for Friday the 13th. A good portion of my wardrobe is adorned with the famous...