BuckMovie ReviewsMoviesChernobyl DiariesAsh04/03/201309/21/2013 by Ash04/03/201309/21/2013138 Chernobyl Diaries Year: 2012 Genre: Horror Runtime: 86mins Rating: R IMDB Score: 5.1/10 (14,100+ users) Director(s): Bradley Parker Writer(s): Oren Peli, Carey Van Dyke &...
BlogsBuckMovie ReviewsMoviesMovie Review:The Cabin in the WoodsAsh01/09/201309/21/2013 by Ash01/09/201309/21/2013135 The Cabin In The Woods Year: 2011 Genre: Horror/Mystery/Thriller Runtime: 95mins Rating: R IMDB Score: 7.3/10 (91,000+ Votes) Director(s): Drew Goddard Writer(s): Joss Whedon and...