Movie NewsMovie ReviewsMoviesNewsReviews“How’s your Head?” – Review of Jon Bristol’s HEADDiana Stack07/06/2018 by Diana Stack07/06/2018088 As the promo poster declares, “There’s nothing funny about dead puppets”, but it’s entertaining as Hell! This is definitely not your run-of-the-mill “Sesame Street” puppet...
NewsOn The WebVideo/TVBehold! The Kickstarter for ‘Frank & Zed – World’s Greatest Puppet Horror Film’Ash10/09/2015 by Ash10/09/2015060 C’mon! can we EVER truly get enough of diabolical puppets wreaking their bloodlusting vengeance on each other? No. The answer is no. Which is why...
DVD/BlurayMovie NewsMoviesOn DemandVideo/TVOfficial Release Date and Artwork for “DEAD ON APPRAISAL”Ash02/07/2014 by Ash02/07/2014049 Just received the press release for this one and I have to say that I am officially intrigued. Read on! Gory, puppet-filled horror anthology moves...