Hitch a ride with the master of setting as he blends and bends genres with science-rich, thought-provoking short stories. “Buy the ticket, take the ride.”...
Prepare to lose yourself in the mesmerizing voice and worldview of author Darren Speegle… “Speegle’s delicious evocation of landscape delivers the reader, quite seamlessly, from...
An Epic Fantasy tale of action, adventure, heroism, horror and sorcery… Beyond Night is a Dark Fantasy Horror novel that pulls back the veil of nearly...
Out today from Crystal Lake Publishing! A brand new poetry collection from the Bram Stoker Award-winning poet, Alessandro Manzetti. “No Mercy is a journey through...
So, the horror publishing world is still very much undead and kicking, but like most things these days, the accessibility of the industry has brought...
The follow up to the successful Horror 101 from Crystal Lake publishing finally hits shelves. Here’s what the publisher has to say about this eagerly...