
Category : News

Movie NewsMoviesNews

The Unbidden Summons New Clip For April 22nd World Premiere

Lee’s Female Driven Horror Film Will Screen as Part of  The 32nd Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival Los Angeles, CA— Margin Films is excited...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

Why Dark Tower movie news has been a huge “Fu@k You” to the fans

If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, well… You get it. You see, I’m a stickler for details and more...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

New ‘The Curse of Sleeping Beauty’ trailer brings the bizarre

This one sorta comes outta left field as strangely, this is the first we’ve heard of it. Obviously drawing from much darker inspiration than the...
Movie NewsMoviesNews

Trailer for ‘Australiens’ features a metric shit-ton of Extraterrestrial Mayhem

I’m really digging the Mars Attacks vibe here (also, thank you WordPress for autocorrecting to “Mars Tacos” WTF??!?!?!). Yeah, I will be the first to...
NewsOn The WebVideo/TV

new music video “Consciousness” directed by ‘Women of Horror’s Patricia Chica

Kelly Padrick’s new music video Consciousness is launched worldwide on Tuesday March 29th, 2016 at 12am E.T. on YouTube and Vimeo.   “CONSCIOUSNESS” ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/ljd3wzOo0FQ   “CONSCIOUSNESS” ON VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/157057448   Consciousness is Kelly Padrick’s 9th video...