Just in time for Halloween, Midverse Studios, a Silicon Valley mobile gaming developer, in conjunction with its publishing partner, Ever Dead Studios, announced today the...
Through the Woods is set to revolutionise horror video games, as its director, Ole Helland, explains: What exactly is Through the Woods? Through the Woods is...
The Game Kitchen and Phoenix Online Publishing are excited to announce together that our beloved, retro-themed horror adventure The Last Door: Collector’s Edition is available...
Remember when horror based games actually tried to scare the player instead of being as action-packed as possible? When the term survival horror actually meant...
SAN FRANCISCO & LONDON – September 17, 2014 – SEGA® of America, Inc., SEGA® Europe, Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products today officially announced Alien: Isolation™’s...
September 17, 2014 – Crawling through the shadows of Steam today, Doorways: The Underworld is the newest first-person horror game from Argentinian developer, Saibot Studios. Featuring the...