Chandler BullockExclusivesInterviewExclusive Interview (podcast): Traycee KingAsh12/09/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/09/201209/21/2013045 Sometimes the things you come across when working for a company like Horror-fix are so cool that they warrant you dropping everything you were planning...
BlogsBuckExclusivesInterviewAn interview with Devanny PinnAsh12/09/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/09/201209/21/2013061 1 ) You were just at the Scare-A-Cuse horror con this past weekend (October 15th and 16th) and I couldn’t get an interview with you...
ExclusivesGame NewsGamesNew Night Whisper Lane Images for the ios…Ash12/09/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/09/201209/21/2013043 Night Whisper Lane will quickly be here to wreak horror havok on your ios device, but in the meantime we have some images to tide...
BooksComics/BooksExclusivesChapter 2 of HorrorFix Press’ Nine Tenths Now Available!Ash12/09/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/09/201209/21/2013042 Horror Fix, the horror movie news and review site is expanding its focus to include the publishing of horror novels and horror themed comic books....
ExclusivesInterviewExclusive Interview – The Corridor’s Evan KellyAsh12/09/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/09/201209/21/2013051 The Corridor hits DVD shelves everywhere today and director Evan Kelly was able to take a moment out of his schedule to talk to us...
ExclusivesInterviewTelevisionVideo/TVExclusive Interview – Drew Daywalt on Leprechaun’s RevengeAsh12/09/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/09/201209/21/2013043 We love ourselves some Drew Daywalt over here at Horror Fix so when we found out that the Camera Obscura and Fear Factory director was...
Ash HamiltonBlogsExclusivesYuletide of Terror – What to get the Horror Fan this X-MasAsh12/06/2012 by Ash12/06/2012051 We horror fans can be a finicky bunch and buying for us can often seem like a nightmare. In light of this little dilemma, I...
ExclusivesMoviesFound Footage: The Horror Genre Most Won’t Admit ToChristopher Young12/04/201209/21/2013 by Christopher Young12/04/201209/21/2013043 Oh found footage! How you have been a hit or miss disaster for me. One of the first movies I remember was Cannibal Holocaust. It...
ExclusivesRemake/Reboot/RegurgitateChristopher Young12/04/201209/21/2013 by Christopher Young12/04/201209/21/2013029 I hate to say this but I truly feel that Hollywood has become a pool of remakes, sequels and reboots when it comes to SCI...
ComicsComics NewsComics/BooksExclusivesInterviewExclusive Interview – WitchDoctor Scribe Brandon SeifertAsh12/04/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/04/201209/21/2013054 When we heard that Robert Kirkman’s Skybound label was about to release a new horror comic that fused science and the supernatural we decided to...