First Wave of Programming Includes Premieres, Genre Icons, New Voices Nightmares Film Festival has released its “Early 13,” a baker’s dozen of early selections that...
Reunited after 10 YEARS, longtime friend of the site and show Rob Pistilli of Monroe County Paranormal Investigations makes his return with what could possibly...
Slice of Fright Film Festival and parent entity CinemaSlice are looking for this year’s best horror shorts and they’ve enlisted Horror-Fix owner Ash Hamilton to...
From the press release: “Consistently rated one of FilmFreeway’s “Top 100 Best Reviewed festivals,” and quickly gaining a solid reputation in the genre filmmaking community,...
Three-Day Event Hosts West Coast Edition of The 8th Annual Philip K. Dick Sci-Fi Film Festival Stark Trek Veteran Tim Russ and Oscar-Winning Makeup Artist Barney...