Troy Escamilla’s (Party Night) Teacher Shortage manages to do some pretty great things in its hour and twenty minutes. Firstly, in a market where most...
Springfield, IL based paranormal author Larry Wilson joins us in the studio to discuss his experiences in the “Murder House”. What ensues is some of...
Lake Mungo (2008) One of the first released films from After Dark’s “8 Films to Die For”, Lake Mungo is undoubtedly one of the most effective. This Australian...
There’s an undeniable charm to Paul Anthony Rogers’ almost militant approach to straight forward film-making that makes Crypsis hard not to like. A group of...
It’s been 10 years since the release of writer/director Brad Sykes’ ‘Plaguers’. The sci-fi/horror thriller starring Steve Railsback (Lifeforce, Helter Skelter) has seen a long...