American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest by Vertigo/DC Comics. Written by Scott Snyder. Drawn by Sean Murphy. $2.99. Five Issue Limited Series. Once again Scott...
Hellblazer #280 by Vertigo/DC comics. Written by Peter Miligan, Drawn by Gael Bertrand. $2.99. Continuing on with the story of Gemma, John is called to...
American Vampire by Vertigo/DC Comics. Written by Scott Snyder. Drawn by Rafael Albuquerque. $2.99. Part three in the Ghost War storyline, we find Pearl, masquerading...
American Vampire By Vertigo/DC Comics. Written by Scott Snyder. Drawn by Rafael Albuquerque. $2.99. Ah the storyline I was hoping Scott Snyder would get too,...
American Vampire By Vertigo/DC Comics. Written by Scott Snyder. Drawn by Danijel Zezelj. $2.99 Issue Twelve focus’s on Skinner Sweet before he went to California...