BuckMovie ReviewsMoviesChernobyl DiariesAsh04/03/201309/21/2013 by Ash04/03/201309/21/2013157 Chernobyl Diaries Year: 2012 Genre: Horror Runtime: 86mins Rating: R IMDB Score: 5.1/10 (14,100+ users) Director(s): Bradley Parker Writer(s): Oren Peli, Carey Van Dyke &...
BlogsBuckMovie ReviewsMoviesMovie Review:The Cabin in the WoodsAsh01/09/201309/21/2013 by Ash01/09/201309/21/2013163 The Cabin In The Woods Year: 2011 Genre: Horror/Mystery/Thriller Runtime: 95mins Rating: R IMDB Score: 7.3/10 (91,000+ Votes) Director(s): Drew Goddard Writer(s): Joss Whedon and...
BlogsBuckExclusivesInterviewAn Interview With Vampire Santa (Sal Lizard) part 2Ash12/27/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/27/201209/21/2013067 Christmas may be over but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. I give you the final present of the year from me. It’s...
BlogsBuckExclusivesInterviewAn Interview With Vampire Santa (Sal Lizard) part 1Ash12/24/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/24/201209/21/2013067 Ho, Ho, Horror!!! Sorry, had to get that out of the way. It might not be Halloween, but we here at HorrorFix we loves ourselves...
BuckExclusivesInterviewAn interview with JV JohnsonAsh12/09/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/09/201209/21/2013053 1 ) You’re the publisher of a magazine (TAPSparaMagazine) whose writers include folks of GHOST HUNTERS fame;how did you guys meet up? I had the...
BuckDVD/BlurayMovie ReviewsMoviesVideo/TVReview – ChooseAsh12/09/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/09/201209/21/2013042 Choose Year: 2011 Genre: Crime/Drama/Horror Runtime: 100mins Rating: R IMDB Score: 4.4/10 (1,000+ Votes) Director(s): Marcus Graves Writer(s): Brandon Camp and Mike Thompson Plot/Synopsis:...
BlogsBuckExclusivesInterviewAn interview with Devanny PinnAsh12/09/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/09/201209/21/2013073 1 ) You were just at the Scare-A-Cuse horror con this past weekend (October 15th and 16th) and I couldn’t get an interview with you...
BuckDVD/BlurayMovie ReviewsMoviesVideo/TVReview – Bikin Girls on IceAsh12/09/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/09/201209/21/2013051 Year: 2009 Genre: Horror/Thriller Runtime:82mins Rating: Unrated IMDB Score: 3.1/10 (400+ Votes) Director(s): Geoff Klein Writer(s): Geoff Klein and Jeff Ross Plot/Synopsis: A bus full...