Multi award-winning short film and media sensation, Night of the Slasher, written and directed by Shant Hamassian, has been selected at SXSW 2016. Three screenings are scheduled during...
The Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival has announced the award winners of its fourth annual event which took place from January 14-17, 2016....
Fright-Rags has traveled through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. Next stop: The Twilight Zone! Rod Serling’s classic anthology...
FANGORIA’s Chris Alexander Booked To Introduce “Queen of Blood” Christopher P. Garetano’s Top Secret Study “Montauk Chronicles” Jacob Akira Okada’s Documentary Short “Painting The Way To The...
The horror anthology webseries, “The Dead Hour” has launched it’s newest episode of season 3 entitled “Android Bride”. The episode is a horrific love story about...