Found footage horror films, once a novel and innovative approach to filmmaking, have now become a tired and overused trope in the genre. What started...
The Urban Legend of The Mothman comes to life with Bayview Entertainment new release, MOTH The found footage horror film, Moth hits VOD platforms on...
The Terrifying Found Footage Franchise V/H/S Returns With Premiering On Shudder October 6th View The Trailer Here Directed by David Bruckner (HELLRAISER, THE NIGHT...
With over 20 Official Selections and 18 Awards earned over the 2021-2022 festival seasons, multiple Best Feature Winner “Holes in the Sky: The Sean Miller...
Starring Kayla Andrews, Adam Berardi and Melaney Cook; directed by Clay Moffatt Curiosity kills. New from Wild Eye Releasing, The Last Five Days available now on digital and DVD. Two college students find...
Now Available on iTunes, Google,Xbox, Amazon, & Vimeo The Urban Legend of The Blink Man spreads worldwide on various VOD platforms. Watch BUTTERFLY KISSES now...
For three teenage friends, Lawrence (Jared Bess),Jeremy (Willy J. Sasso)and Tanner (Drew Byerly)life is pretty good in their own little bubble. Tanner loves sports but...
Romania’s first found footage horror movie Be My Cat: A Film for Anne (English-language) is going to be released worldwide on Vimeo On Demand on December 5th, 2016. It is...