Madmind Studios, whose individual video game developers have been responsible for such titles as Witcher 3 and The Division has unleashed new screenshots and an...
“Prince of Darkness meets Evil Dead feel here.” –Ain’t It Cool News WildEye Releasing has released a new trailer and artwork for Brandon Scullion’s debut...
For those of you who are “Kevin‘s bacon” enthusiasts, well my condolences, because the celebrated actor looks fully robed in the new trailer for “The...
Multi award-winning short film and media sensation, Night of the Slasher, written and directed by Shant Hamassian, has been selected at SXSW 2016. Three screenings are scheduled during...
Ring in the ho-ho-horror holidays this year with Horror Decor! The home decor brand has unleashed its Winter 2015 line of horror-themed holiday merchandise featuring an...
Five kidnappers find themselves in a bloody situation in the brand new poster for the upcoming slasher comedy CHOPPING BLOCK! CHOPPING BLOCK follows a group...