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Review – Clive Barker’s The Scarlet Gospels (2015)

Review – Clive Barker’s The Scarlet Gospels (2015)

scarlet_headerClive Barker has long been a master of horror but with his latest book, The Scarlet Gospels, he takes his place as THE master of horror. He brings back supernatural detective Harry D’Amour to face off against The Hell Priest, Cenobite, or as he’s more commonly known……Pinhead. Make no mistake, this book is as much about Pinhead as it is about Harry D’Amour.

The opening massacre in the Prologue is gory and its made quite clear Pinhead has never been more brutal. The plot: No longer content to wait for someone to open the infamous puzzle box, known as a Lament Configuration. Pinhead has set out to take power and use it to literally raise hell on earth. Only Harry D’Amour and a few friends stand in his way. This book doesn’t fold in the graphic novels. In which Harry and Pinhead have previously met. You don’t even need to have read The Hellhound Heart, Pinheads first book. Neither do you have to have read Harry D’Amour stories; The Last Illusion, The Lost Souls, or Everville. But I suggest you do simply because they’re good stories.

The Scarlet Gospels is very graphic. Parts of it might even be too much for some. I was hooked after the first 26 pages. The next 16 pages dropped my jaw, I could not put the book down. I was completely enthralled by Clive Barkers vivid descriptions and fast pace. This is easily the best horror book I’ve ever read. Normally I would compare this book to another but The Scarlet Gospels stands on it own against all other horror books. Do yourself a favor and go buy and read this book.

Review by HorrorFix contributor John Gardiner

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K7N 06/10/2015 at 6:29 pm

This is a review? You didn’t even bother saying why you liked it or what stood out to you. Wow.

And the first book Pinhead was in is Hellbound Heart. Next time proof read your stuff.

John Gardiner 06/12/2015 at 12:14 pm

K7N the letters b and h are right next to each other on the keyboard. However, you’re right i should do a better job proof reading. i don’t do spoilers, people should read this book because they have an interest in Clive Barker, Pinhead and/or Harry D’Amour. MY favorite parts, the things i liked, would spoil certain aspects of the story.


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