Written and directed by Yoshikazu Ishii (Godzilla Final Wars, DaiMajin Kanon) >
Starring living legend Masanori Machida (“Saki” from Gappa! The Triphibian Monster 1967), Kenhiko Fujita (Attack Of The Giant Teacher), Takashi Toyoda (Attack Of The Giant Teacher), Hironobu Nomura (UltraMan Ginga), Yusuke Sugiyama (Shin Godzilla), Takuya Fujisaki (UltraMan Tiga), Kenji Sakama (Godzilla vs Destroyah, Gamera 2: Attack Of Legion), Daniel Aguilar (Shin Godzilla, Death Kappa), and Tetsu Saiki (Battle Royale). >
In the year 2020, the world is threatened by a new coronavirus. The impact of the virus is not only on health but also on the economy, and Yuzu Ooki, who was enjoying his remote life, is easily laid off. >
Somehow, he manages to find a new job, but what awaited him was a crazy group of people, including a money-grubbing president, a fitness instructor with no members, a garbage thief who only collects waste, a gambling salesman, and a man who stays inside a stuffed animal. However, after being pushed around by these selfish people, he gets desperate when he is dumped by his girlfriend. >
Just then, a lifeform from outer space comes into contact with Yuzo’s crazy co-workers and fuses with their madness, creating an explosion of energy that plunges the city into chaos. The only person who can save the city from this crisis is Yuzo. Having been thrown into the depths of disappointment, he now rises to the occasion.
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Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of Horror-Fix.com, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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