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BOOK REVIEW – “Harvester’s Trade” by Jim Goforth

BOOK REVIEW – “Harvester’s Trade” by Jim Goforth

“Harvester’s Trade” is a novella by Jim Goforth. What to say? Goforth is an established extreme horror master and as such, of course, has written an amazing, terrifying, blood-spattered story.

The more you like a book, the more difficult is to review it, because you don’t keep calm. You only want to jump and say “ah! read this!!!”. I just read it in a row, literally walking around doing things with my phone in my hand, without being able to stop. I finished the book, put it down, stare at it and whisper “Holy cow. This.”

Extreme. Blood, entrails, ripped souls. Betray, panic, blindness, survival, terror. A horde of preys stranded to an abomination in the darkness.

Goforth’s style is sweet, like a murmur in the back of your mind. Perfectly written. I smiled so big many times with this book. If you’re looking for blood, you’ll adore this one. I did. I do.

I love extreme and it’s difficult to provoke this reaction in me, because nothing usually impresses me, really. Believe me, it did. This-is-good. Awesome. Just, awesome.

Find the book on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Harvesters-Trade-Jim-Goforth-ebook/dp/B079DTXNJ5/

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