Ash HamiltonDVD/BlurayMovie ReviewsMoviesVideo/TVReview – I Spit on Your Grave (2010)Ash12/07/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/07/201209/21/2013042 The 2010 remake of the 70s schlocker hit does exactly what it sets out to do. It shoots straight on the original premise while giving...
Ash HamiltonDVD/BlurayMovie ReviewsMoviesOn DemandVideo/TVReview – Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)Ash12/06/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/06/201209/21/2013035 Sigh. I admittedly enjoyed the first Human Centipede. It had a mad scientist sorta vibe to it that broke the mold of modern “torture porn”...
Movie ReviewsMoviesVideo/TVReview – StakelandAsh12/04/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/04/201209/21/2013042 Jim Mickle’s Stake Land ( available now on VOD) proves two things: 1. Successful horror movies not only realize their own limitations, but are able...
Video/TVReview – Grave EncountersAsh11/30/201209/21/2013 by Ash11/30/201209/21/2013058 The “found footage” approach to horror filmmaking, for better or for worse, has created a new subcategory in the horror genre. We’ve seen witches, ghosts,...
Video/TVReview – The Bleeding HouseAsh11/30/201209/21/2013 by Ash11/30/201209/21/2013042 The Bleeding House might easily fall prey to the big Hollywood remake machine. it’s infuriating to think that it might… But it’s easy to see...
Video/TVReview – We are the NightAsh11/30/201209/21/2013 by Ash11/30/201209/21/2013042 I was going to start this review out with a little dissertation on how women are crazy even when they are undead… and then I...