Peter Herro and Cthulhu Crush Productions have finished shooting WTF! The horror film, lensed around Los Angeles last month, follows a survivor of a mass...
The third annual ScareFest Film Festival in Lexington, KY is open for submissions and accepting now. Follow this link to access the official entry form....
Stuart Gordon‘s Re-Animator celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, and Fright-Rags is bringing H.P. Lovecraft’s classic tale of horror back to life with a collection of new...
The next big monster movie sensation from legendary filmmaker/producer Roger Corman and the king of b-movies directors Jim Wynorski entitled “COBRAGATOR” which stars Michael Madsen...
Wild Eye Releasing has announced that Libby McDermott’s debut feature, the chilling psychological horror film Dead Woman’s Hollow is coming to DVD. Based on the shocking hate...
Sorry Jack… Chucky’s back! Following a collection of shirts dedicated to Chucky from the Child’s Play franchise earlier this year, Fright-Rags is putting out a new batch...
Last year, Fright-Rags teamed with famed Garbage Pail Kids artist Brent Engstrom to create their own Garbage Pail Kid: “Fright Rag Freddy.” They’re back with four new...