Mamiwata Film is the upcoming paranormal/thriller/horror movie from Gabon Films. The movie is due to be released in 2015. Enter by 27th February 2014...
“Escaping the Dead” is inspired by a series of articles about the deathdrug “Krokodil” that was published about the same period of time when Ronald Poppo had...
Writer/Director Patrick Hasson wants to take you deep into the dark underbelly of the homeless epidemic in Los Angeles in his newest horror tale ‘Blood...
Horror Actress Shanna Forrestall Named Voodoo Love Princess at Sundance Shanna Forrestall, one of the stars of John Schneider’s SMOTHERED, has just been named the Voodoo...
Up and comer Jas Sams (V/H/S, The Impersonators) is attached to play the female lead opposite Bill Moseley in Joshua Hull’s forthcoming slasher comedy PINK...
Bloated Cat Productions in association with Penguin Films, is currently in post production with the horror feature film UNDER THE KNIFE, written and directed by...