👻 Shaman King Sees Wider Digital Distribution

By Ash 2 Min Read

Shaman King Now Available at All Participating Digital Vendors

Kodansha USA Publishing announced today the wide digital release for all 35 volumes of the original Shaman King – Hiroyuki Tikei’s classic anime-inspiring shonen manga. Starting today, new and existing manga fans can purchase and read each volume across BookWalker, Apple Books, Google Play, Rakuten Kobo, Nook, izneo, MyAnimeList, as well as comiXology, Amazon Kindle.

In the world of Shaman King, Shamans possess mysterious powers that allow them to commune with gods, spirits, and even the dead…and Manta Oyamada’s about to learn all about them, because his class just welcomed a new transfer student: Yoh Asakura, a boy from way off in Izumo…and a shaman in training!

Also available digitally are a number of Shaman King spin offs including, the prequel Shaman King Zero, and sequel series, Shaman King: Flowers, Shaman King: Red Crimson, Shaman King: Super Star, and Shaman King: Marcos.

Shaman King is also available as 3-in-1 omnibus print editions, with books 1-5 – collecting up to volume 15 – available for purchase at participating bookstores like Kinokuniya, Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million and more. The entire series is set to be completed in print in 2022. Shaman King print editions are distributed by Penguin Random House.

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By Ash
Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of Horror-Fix.com, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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