I love the random creepy shit that pops up on social media. From Jesus in a piece of toast to a chupacabra sighting at Taco Bell, the internet is a fantastic forum for the bizarre and bat-shit crazy. Today’s entry? Looks like the devil went down to Georgia and then decided he was a bigger fan of dry heat cuz this one is comin straight outta Phoenix. Posted by Facebooker Richard Christianson, these photos have already made their rounds and appear to show ole splitfoot himself making the round in scenic Arizona. Tip: if your soul is worth anything at all gas up the Winnebego and set your GPS to the good ole southwest!!! Take a gander below—>
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Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of Horror-Fix.com, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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