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Take A Ride to Hell with “DEATH ON SCENIC DRIVE!”

Take A Ride to Hell with “DEATH ON SCENIC DRIVE!”

This November, Terror Films suggests you take the scenic route with their new, thriller DEATH ON SCENIC DRIVE. This horrifying film will be available on Friday, November 17th on multiple digital platforms. This genre distributor is sharing the official poster, trailer and several stills ahead of the film’s release, right here.

The story follows a young woman named Larissa who takes a housesitting job in the secluded, snow-covered countryside. What she expects to be a simple, relaxing job –  soon takes a dark, twisted turn. While exploring the property, she discovers a set of disturbing drawings that include illustrations of satanic symbols. This leads to the appearance of an entity that haunts the property. Its goal is to transform Larissa into Death itself!

DEATH ON SCENIC DRIVE has a large cast and crew. The film was directed by Gabriel Carrer (In the House of Flies, 2011). As well, the film stars: Ry Barrett (The Demolisher, 2015), Stephanie Ash, Brianna Lamarre, Faith Singleton, and Amanda Lamarre. Also, DEATH ON SCENIC DRIVE was an Official Selection at the Dedfest International Genre Film Festival (Canada, 2017), the Lund International Fantastic Film Festival (Sweden, 2017), Hard:Line International Film Festival (Germany, 2017) and Feratum (Mexico, 2017). The film will soon be available to many more fans this week.

In their ongoing effort to bring the best and most diverse indie horror content to the masses, Terror Films will release this film across multiple digital platforms. Platforms will include: iTunes, Amazon Instant/Prime, Vudu, Google Play/YouTube and XBox Live, in North America. This release will be followed by a worldwide digital release through iFlix, shortly.

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