NOS4A2, the hit vampire series based on the bestselling novel by Joe Hill, is coming to Shudder, the premium streaming service dedicated to horror, thriller...
FIRST SEASON TO INCLUDE STORIES BY STEPHEN KING, JOE HILL, JOSH MALERMAN & JOE LANSDALE Shudder, AMC Networks’ premium streaming service for thriller, suspense and...
Although its probably gonna sound like hollow lip service, I thought Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’s Locke and Key was a ground-breaking comic. A character...
Hospitals. We all hate them. They reek of death, because, quite literally, many people die inside them. Not to mention all the gruesome surgical procedures...
Admittedly, the concept of Horns is a pretty tough sell. After being accused of murdering his girlfriend, Ignatius Perrish, now the town pariah, literally grows...