ExclusivesMovie NewsMoviesNewsThe Dark Tower Casting we Deserve!!!Ash05/12/201605/13/2016 by Ash05/12/201605/13/2016115 When a property as beloved and revered as Stephen King’s magnum opus The Dark Tower gets tapped for the Hollywood treatment there are gonna be...
Movie NewsMoviesNewsWhy Dark Tower movie news has been a huge “Fu@k You” to the fansAsh04/03/201604/06/2016 by Ash04/03/201604/06/2016015 If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, well… You get it. You see, I’m a stickler for details and more...
DVD/BlurayMovie NewsMoviesNewsVideo/TVArt & Trailer Debut For Apocalyptic Thriller “A Zombie Exorcism”Ash01/22/2015 by Ash01/22/2015019 Wild Eye Releasing has debuted new key art and a trailer for Casper Haugegaard’s gore-filled genre mashup A Zombie Exorcism. Applauded by BrutasHell.com as “a fantastic film...