DVD/BlurayMovie ReviewsMoviesReviewsVideo/TVKillervision – review (2014)John Gardiner12/22/2015 by John Gardiner12/22/2015013 Killervision (2014) Directed by Dale Trott, Killervision is about Jared who is left with mild brain damage after him and his friends are in a...
DVD/BlurayMovie NewsMoviesNewsVideo/TVArt & Trailer Debut For Apocalyptic Thriller “A Zombie Exorcism”Ash01/22/2015 by Ash01/22/2015019 Wild Eye Releasing has debuted new key art and a trailer for Casper Haugegaard’s gore-filled genre mashup A Zombie Exorcism. Applauded by BrutasHell.com as “a fantastic film...