Black Mandala presents the exorcism film , “SAINT CATHERINE”, an anthology directed by Gonzalo Mellid, Raffael Oliveri, Juan de Dios Garduño, Hana Kazim and Michael...
Black Mandala presents a horror-thriller about a Pandemic Hotzone, “STAY SAFE”, directed by Carlos V. Gutierrez; starring Shameless star Kate Miner and The Rookie’s Jason...
Genre specialist Black Mandala presents the new horror action movie, “JOHNNY Z”, directed by Jonathan Straiton (Night of Something Strange). According to the director: “Johnny...
“Just a mile from hell” Genre specialized Black Mandala presents the horror road trip movie, THE FEARWAY, directed by Robert Gajic. A suffocating chase film,...
Black Mandala acquires the OSCAR nominated Hungarian horror “Post Mortem” directed by Péter Bergendy 10 awards including BEST DIRECTOR and BEST HORROR FILM at TORONTO...
“More disturbing than a Black Mirror`s episode” The genre specialized company Black Mandala presents the posters and trailer of the sci-fi thriller Dark Cloud, directed...
The genre specialized company Black Mandala presents the posters and trailer for its new thriller film, Alone (Sola), directed by José María Cicala. A super...
Black Mandala picks up the crime-horror movie “Ash & Dust” Posters and Trailer revealed The new film of Adrian Langley, director of the award-winning “Butchers”...
Black Mandala picks survival horror film, “LIKE DOGS” Trailer and Official Posters Revealed ¡SIT, STAY, SURVIVE…!Genre specialist sales outfit Black Mandala has acquired the survival...