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Review – The Bleeding House

Review – The Bleeding House

The Bleeding House might easily fall prey to the big Hollywood remake machine. it’s infuriating to think that it might… But it’s easy to see some out of touch executive, still reeking from cigarette and prostitutes, finding the easiest way to circumvent the creative process and shuffling his evil little feet across the hall to postpone the devil from taking his bruised, blackened little soul for another fortnight… A quill pen gets dipped in arterial elixir and voila… Bradley Cooper gets cast in the overblown and unnecessary remake of The Bleeding House… AND… That is exactly how it happens… Unless the exec is a non smoker of course… Jus sayin. Bleeding House works well being a small movie. It uses it’s scale as a means to keep the tension intimate and real. Compromise that and it surrenders it’s tone and impact…which is the real crux of the picture. The film is heavy with atmosphere and although it surrenders some of it’s mysteries a little too early, the film’s pace and a great cast never has you looking at the clock or questioning it’s motives. It’s House’s casting thats the standout element that really brings it all together too. A small cast that benefits greatly from a vaguely familiar face… Patrick Breen. Breen, a character actor with a multitude of tv and film credits, plays Nick, a mysterious visitor who shows up on the doorstep of the home of a troubled family. A family seemingly imprisoned by their own social alienation, they offer their house to the traveller for the night. Breen plays up the smug, yet charming Nick in the film’s first act with a clever bravado that only intensifies over the course of the picture until he makes the movie his vehicle… And you’ll have absolutely no issue with it either. This is the kid of performance that sees an actor of Breen’s caliber suddenly offered a score of higher profile roles. We follow the family and their visitor through a night of murder, torture and revelations that leaves you glad you weren’t aware of any of the film’s reveals before going in. I won’t dare give away the film’s turns because this is how a movie like The Bleeding House functions best. Suffice it to say…This one is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. The Bleeding House is currently available on Video on Demand. Check your local cable provider for pricing and availability. – Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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